Rock Paper Scissors (At A Stop Light)

Weekly Fun Challenge - Play Rock Paper Scissors With Strangers At Stop Lights

The next time you're at a stop light (traffic light), I want you to look over and try to get the attention of a stranger who is also stopped with you.

Put one hand out flat and one hand in a fist so it's slamming in a fist into the palm of the other in a specific 1, 2, 3 fashion. 1-2-3 Shoot!

You can mouth it. Or roll the window down, too.

After you do the three fists, you throw down scissors so they start to get it. They still might not know what's going on. Do another round. 1-2-3, then throw down a flat hand for paper.

Keep trying to do it until they start to play back.

You can also try to just shout "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS SHOOT!" or "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS GO!" if you're worried about the "shoot" word being yelled.

It's a really fun thing to do. It's silly and easy. Worst case someone thinks you're nuts and then the light will be done in 30 seconds and you just keep going. Best case is you laugh with a stranger. Best best case is you laugh AND win.

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