Uncustomary is definitely not a place where I teach you how to optimize your SEO or bother even teaching you what SEO means or how it can benefit you. I don't share my income or monthly expenses. I don't really peel back the curtain to the workings of my business and blog because it's not my main focus or goal. I intend for this space on the internet to be a place you come with the goal to leave smiling and feeling a bit better than when you first clicked over. I want to provide ideas, inspiration, and insight from personal experience as it relates to self-love, body positivity, optimism, and general creativity in the world.
However, as my blog becomes higher ranked on Google and I grow in popularity, I get more and more e-mails every week with people asking me how to grow their business, how to start a blog, how to start a support group, how to write a book, how to run ad space, how to get sponsored posts, how to work with advertisers and brands, how to supplement your income in all sorts of ways, etc. etc. etc. I love all of you, and I want to respond to every e-mail I get, but the reality is I'm just not passionate about this subject the same way amazing bloggers and entrepreneurs like Mariah Coz and Melyssa Griffin are. So what I want to do is create one course that I can link people over to for some general responses in answer to their questions about business and blogging, simply and honestly to make it easier on me, and hopefully to give you some useful tips that you can use for creating your own blog/business.
I'm going to go through and basically create an FAQ list for things that I constantly get asked and follow that format for the post. If you have further questions past this, or would like to go into more detail, please e-mail me and we can talk about creating a Skype date appointment where I charge you an inexpensive consulting fee and take the time to answer your specific questions as it relates to your specific business and situation.